Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Video sharing gone too far

We have just recently been discussing viral videos and their effect on the internet. A viral video is defined as video clip content which gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing, typically through email or IM messages, blogs and other media sharing websites. Viral videos are often humorous but a recent news story discusses how an attempt at creating a popular video on YouTube turned into teens arrests.

Eight teenagers were arrested after filming the beating of another girl. One of the mothers said the girl “had provoked the other teens by threatening and insulting them on MySpace, a social networking Web site.”
This news story goes to show just how much influence these popular social internet sights have on people and how if not used properly can cause preventable situations like this one. In an earlier blog post I discussed my reaction to “Growing up Online” and talked about how the younger generations are learning to use the internet at an early age because this is what the world revolves around. The internet and social media is the new way of living but also needs to be controlled.

1 comment:

[Evolved Ideas] Austen Jones said...

i watched this video. I mean seriously now, how ridiculous do you have to be to detain someone for that amount of time with a video camera rolling. That is like a huge cry for help in my mind. What is going on in peoples brains that triggers an emotional strong enough to attack someone like a pack of wild animals.