Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Social Media Resume

I am a Communication major at St. Edward’s University. I am seeking a challenging internship that will merge my knowledge of social media as well as customer service and public relations knowledge.


Nicole Etheridge
St. Edward’s University
Communication Student
Email: netheri [at] stedwards [dot] edu


• Long term career interest in sports marketing/public relations
• Familiar with emerging media technologies: blogs, web pages and podcasts
• Experienced in creating and adapting video, audio and text for online PR tools
• Excellent academic preparation; successfully completed coursework in Media
Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Communication, and
Internet and Social Media in PR
• Team player with well developed leadership skills
• Computer literate: Word, Excel and PowerPoint


Bachelor of Arts in Communication Expected May 2009
St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas


Podcast: Discusses what a blog is and many different types and aspects of blogging.

Web Video Project: World Hunger Video

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

U.S. Falling Behind in Social Media Creation

I found an interesting article discussing how the U.S. is lagging in social media creations. With all of the social networking sites that we have and more and more businesses and such catching on, I thought this was intriguing. As I continued reading the article I found that Americans are more likely to watch or read the content made by others rather than make our own. The article states that Americans, “Love to watch.” Another interesting piece of information I found in the article states, “A little over 60 percent of Internet users in the U.S. said they read blogs, but just 26 percent had created one, compared to over 70 percent of Internet users who blog in South Korea and China.”

Social Media get together

I found this article announcing a social media get together in Jordan. It’s being put on to show the different aspects of social media and content sharing. Web 2.0 is soaring in the Middle East now with “more than 300 active blogs in Jordan alone and the country’s Queen Rania recently launched her own YouTube page.” The conference hopes to attract a regional audience of marketing and communications specialists, advertisers, public relations professionals and media companies.

Advertising for the people from the people

I was scanning through Citizen Marketers the other day and came across a section talking about contests. I found this interesting since we had just finished an assignment for class that involved making a web video. The book says “With the right democratic principles in place, solid execution, and a respectful awareness about the potential of social media to spread word of mouth, a contest can improve fortunes and enhance loyalty.” I agree with this statement completely. This is an easy way for a company or organization to allow the people to put forth their talents towards something they like. Although, the GM’s Chevy Tahoe disaster proves things can turn against you. This campaign collected several thousand negative ads posted by SUV critics. In the book, The New Influencer, the Chevrolet general manager was quoted, “We, on the other hand, welcome the opportunity to clarify the facts…In our opinion, this has been one of the most creative and successful promotions we have done.” Also, from the book, it discusses the “Driving Forces” of viral marketing:
Declining response rates
Technology developments
Demographic shifts
Customer preference
Low cost
Youtube has been hailed the advertising medium of the future so why not take advantage of this new way of marketing.

Social Networking is Becoming More Appealing

Last class we were scanning the ComScore website and my fellow classmate and I came across the demographic profiles for selected social networking. We found that myspace visitors are now “age 35 or older.” I found this slightly alarming at first considering I myself have a myspace and assumed the demographics would prove to be a bit younger. I can see how the age span works out this way especially now seeing the many uses myspace can bring to businesses and such. Comscore then goes on to explain that these sites are all different, aiming towards different crowds. Of course facebook’s demographics would prove to be younger because this site was created for college students. Social networking isn’t just aiming at the youngsters anymore and is proving to appeal to more people.